Start Spring Paint Prep

Posted by Terry Muller on Apr 1st 2018

Now is the time to get the exterior of your home or the surface of your existing deck ready for coating! We are often asked how long after washing the siding or preparing a deck for the new finish, is ideal for starting the coating application. The common misunderstood thought is the urgency to start painting. The grime and dirt you are now washing off the siding has been accumulating for many years, since the last paint job. Once thoroughly washed and rinsed our encouragement is to watch the weather forecast and determine the day to paint based on conditions, your siding will stay clean and ready for a few weeks, minimum. Variables to the length of time the surface will stay clean might be if you live on a gravel road, freshly worked fields near to the structure, things like that. On decks, similar conditions might dictate a shorter window between cleaning and coating. Remember in most cases, time is on your side after cleaning. Prepare well, and you choose the day to start.